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    Hi Kim Marie and MediaMonk – Just a word of complete gratitude and thanks for what you both do. Sometimes I feel like I can’t handle the harsh energy of this world and this life and EA brings me back to center and gives me compassion for my human journey. This shows me there is purpose to everything, and that everyone else is at the stage that they are; nothing more . . . nothing less. I sense compassion for others and through this knowledge I can understand them better.
    Thank you so much! ~ Linda Bolley

    StarLady Soul Reader is a fun way to learn astrology and study astrology! Subscribe to StarLady Soul Reader and receive current astrology transit information delivered directly to your computer or smartphone! These podcasts are free public information from the Evolutionary Astrology perspective so invite your friends to this page or forward on to friends and colleagues. Stop back often for new content or Subscribe Now by clicking the link above to receive these podcasts in a folder on all internet browsers.

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    EAN attracts a wide range of Souls to study astrology. If you are relatively new to astrology or the Evolutionary Astrology method, you may wish to begin with one of our suggested Learning Paths for Beginners prior to absorbing the weekly transit information below.

    Forecast for January 22-29, 2015

    There remains a tremendous amount of energy swirling about our conscious / unconsciousness with Uranus on the south node. This is really an invitation to move us along. However, we must be willing to process through mentally and emotionally those issues that we normally  would wish to procrastinate or avoid. Saturn in Sagittarius sextiles the Sun. These deep insights have power and clarity for us.
    Finally, Venus in Pisces Jan. 28 – Feb. 21. For nearly one month, we may feel very sensitized about our  progress towards manifesting those things most important to us. The key here is to honor how much you have progressed to meet them and, as you do, bless and acknowledge that progress you witness in those closest to you.

    Forecast for January 15-23, 2015

    Enjoy a relatively aspect free weekend. On Monday, the 19th, Venus in Aquarius opposes retrograde Jupiter in Leo. This will continue the marches and events that have highlighted the multitude of value systems (religions) on the planet. Are you able to detach and accept others as you wish to be acknowledged and accepted? On the same day, Mars conjoins Neptune in Pisces. Mars in Pisces always emphasizes honesty in actions. Pluto will square the nodes (and Uranus) so the battle between individual rights and the perceived needs of the collective through institutions and governments continues. The New Moon Aquarius mantra: I break free with new creativity within myself. Watch our free, in depth, Mercury Retrograde Aquarius webinar on the podcast page. MultiMedia Course sale continues only through Jan. 21.

    Forecast for January 8-15, 2015

    Mars is extremely active in January sandwiched between Pluto in Cap and Uranus in Aries. Mars makes a waning semi-square to Uranus in its own sign of rulership, Aries, and a waxing semi-square to powerful Pluto. The pressure cooker bass note that we have called Uranus Pluto waxing squares has just found its ignition switch. Collectively, the time is ripe for action. The clarion call could be to honor all the diversity of beliefs on the planet and find common ground. However, consensus reality and its religions continue to battle for righteous high ground. My God is better than your God. With Mars’ square to a Sagittarian Saturn next week, the deep philosophical discussions will continue and we must simply hope and intend that acting out becomes less necessary and an Aquarian detachment replaces perpetuating trauma. Join Astro News for the free link and join us for our free Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius webinar event January 14th, 6-8pm MST. Our new digital only version of the MultiMedia Course and all course materials on sale until Mercury Retrograde January 21.


    Forecast for January 2-8, 2014

    The new year begins with opportunities to step back a bit, integrate, and initiate new progress. It will be necessary for that progress to reflect certain collective needs shared by our social groups rather than another round of superficial personal resolutions. Mars In Aquarius opposing Jupiter in Leo. Mercury and Venus also join the Aqaurian party demanding that we remove ourselves from the immediacy of our current environments to see the less visible yet more encompassing tapestry at work in our lives. Do you believe that the 7th of 7 exact waxing squares of Uranus and Pluto will be just ahead in mid-March? If your world has not yet been shaken, no worries, the lasting effects of this powerful combination shall be felt and experienced for many years to come. Join us for a comprehensive look at 2015 in our annual forecasting webinar, Jan. 5th.

    Forecast for December 18-25, 2014

    Saturn is aspecting Uranus and Pluto too,  as we all endure the rather impulsive and deeply felt energy of the 6th of 7 waxing squares of Uranus to Pluto on collective levels. The net effect is like lightning sparking within a locked safe. Outer manifestations can become very violent and distorted. Saturn has become weary in Scorpio and will ingress into Sagittarius just before the Christmas holiday. The distorted beliefs that can spawn these type of outbreaks will continue to be highlighted as Saturn moves through Sag for nearly 3 years. Mercury and Venus will activate the cardinal t-square and we become acutely aware of our core needs. Remember to make the effort to genuinely recognize those closest to you. This is one easy and inexpensive gift you can give of  yourself. Observe as it is returned to you. The winter solstice is also the traditional time to let go of negative emotions and thought patterns. Use fire energy and literally transmute those feelings into the burning bowl, yule log or firepit. Mars and Uranus are in mutual reception sparking new ideas and modes of action. You will not want to carry any old baggage into the New Year. Join us for the 2015 Forecast and The Saturn in Sag webinar series. Get 25% off anything in your cart through December 20th as our year end gift for having you as a part of another great year at EAN! coupon code – sag

    Forecast for December 11-18, 2014

    Mercury and Venus ingress Capricorn bringing a little more seriousness to our daily routine. As in all transitions, however, there is still ample Sagittarius buzz. There is a creative grand fire trine with Sun, Uranus and Jupiter. We all wish to have our holiday adventures, and yet, that journey will also bring some deep insights. The bass note of Uranus Pluto is upon us with the 6th of 7 waxing squares. Instability will become the norm for many of us and we may also find our freedom and new beginnings rising from the residue of these new realities. Be in your world and not of that world to deal with these changes. Expect the Unexpected. Our Sag Sale is on so load up your cart with products and receive 25% off through Dec. 20!


    Forecast for December 4-11, 2014

    The Sun and Mercury in mid-Sagittarius will make last quarter squares to Neptune in Pisces as we enter the Full Moon weekend. The Sag archetype is always questing for another layer of truth and this will certainly expand that search. Four planets and the Sun will be changing signs in December. We believe that Mars in Aquarius will be especially welcome to counter balance all the heavy Saturnian energy in aspect to Pluto and Uranus. Mars’ mutual reception to Uranus in Aries will become the leading edge of fine tuning our visions now through mid January. Mars’ conjunction to Uranus March 11th at 15 degrees Aries will be the apex of this illuminating process. Join us for the Jupiter retrograde in Leo forecasting webinar. Our creations become only as deeply profound as the next level of self-love discovered within. Finally, the Full Moon of Gemini on the weekend will provide some needed objectivity to StarLady and MediaMonk as we say goodbye to out grandpa kitty, Tauro. We have been blessed to know him and free him up to spirit world once again with a special firepit ceremony. Kim Marie will be in Tampa Bay live February 6-8, 2015. More on the website and Astro News.


    Forecast for November 27 – December 4, 2014

    Mercury in Sagittarius will lighten up our holiday weekend and with Mercury’s square to Neptune direct in Pisces, invite yourself to look for deeper meaning. “What is it that I need to understand more fully on my way to unconditional love?” Mars will make a waxing, action-oriented sextile to Saturn in late Scorpio. Be aware of past actions and vow not to repeat negative and dispirited patterns of behavior. If you begin to realize a Deja Vu moment that feels off, stop and consciously shift. Speaking of Saturn, we are culminating a long transit through intense Scorpio. Saturn is also making two significant waning, yin aspects to Pluto and Uranus. Saturn’s waning semi-square to Pluto in Cap is the apex of  recent recognitions that most external authoritarian and power institutions are under severe stress. The analogy in the physical world may just be our crumbling infrastructure, roads and bridges. Saturn waning sesquiquadrate to Uranus next week highlights continuing social unrest at home and abroad, as well as all of the resource wars that are affecting us economically. These waning aspects of Saturn to Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are undeniably changing our collective landscape in how we will view the world for some time to come. Kim Marie and I  are grateful for the opportunity to study and learn with you. Search the website for some 80 products at 50% off through the weekend and blessings to you and yours this holiday season.

    Forecast for November 20-27, 2014

    It now becomes all about Sag. Sagittarius New Moon with Venus and Sun there helps us to understand and intuit larger cosmological truths. So go deep in your quest and ask how to become a creative beacon in the Universe. That search is better than being a blowhard know-it-all which can certainly become a lesser manifestation. Mercury square Jupiter is helping us find new ways to process information as well, so, a lot is opening up right now. Chiron, in tandem with Neptune, will go stationary direct in Pisces squaring the inner planets in Sag. Plenty of opportunity for personal truths and Universal truths to be integrated. Finally, Mercury is active with a waning sextile to Mars and a first quarter square to Jupiter before it conjuncts Saturn in serious Scorpio. Make the most of your communications by measuring those words and feeling the intention beyond them. Be grateful this holiday and join us for the forecasting webinars in December. $15 off AstroLibrary using coupon code – streamastro.

    Forecast for November 13-20, 2014

    With tremendous planetary energy in powerful yet passive signs of the zodiac, we could be feeling more serious and a bit heavy as we enter this weekend.
    Venus Saturn in Scorpio will have us focusing on our shared resources. The Mars Pluto conjunction ushered in another 2 year cycle of renovating and aligning our conscious desires to reflect our Soul. At any rate, we are all looking at what is truly important in our lives. This also amplified by the Sun there squaring Jupiter in Leo. We all wish to expand our creativity and get to the bottom of our needs, values and resources. Finally, Chiron (direct Nov. 23) will form its 13th waning semi-sextile to Uranus as it continues through Pisces. Neptune is also stationary direct there. We have a great opportunity to liberate from old wounding patterns and turn them into strengths. That, indeed, is a most powerful refection of Universal energy at work in our lives.

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