Mark Jones

Bristol, England
+44 (0) 117 9632500 •

Mark Jones is a Psychosynthesis Therapist and Astrologer working in Bristol, England. A graduate of Noel Tyl’s Masters Astrology program and the Evolutionary Astrology School of Jeffrey Wolf Green, Mark is the main teacher of the U.K. Pluto Schools. Mark is also an Alchemical Hypnotherapist and has begun to synthesize regression work within his therapy practice. Mark has recently begun to share (in phone classes, and as a regular speaker at the Norwac Astrology conference in Seattle) an ongoing synthesis of his Astrological work together with an in-depth therapeutic approach that can be built upon such a depth of understanding as the natal chart can bring to the client. The therapeutic potential is then to go beyond merely an intellectual understanding of the core issues found in the chart, towards an experiential process of synthesizing such an understanding into a working model of healing and wholeness within people’s lives. In order to find out more information as to classes Mark is offering resources in the form of written materials or DVDs and CDs of past classes and lectures, please visit his Web site.