The inner planets will be very busy as Mercury is now racing ahead of the Sun and both will sextile a Capricorn Pluto before its exterior conjunction to the Sun Nov. 17th. Venus is new phase Mars and we need to set clear relating intentions and evaluate our way more appropriately in relationships before acting out. Venus in Libra Nov. 11th – Dec. 4th and Mars in Libra Nov. 12th – Jan. 3. A heightened day for awareness is Nov. 11th with New Moon in Scorpio and Mercury there. Mars and Venus will be visible in the evening sky around that new sliver of the Scorpio Moon.
Chiron makes a waning semi-sextile to Uranus later in the month, Nov. 25th. Ask and pray: What are my deepest wounds and how do I heal them? Mediate for your answers and feel the emotional power and liberation.
Finally, Virgo Jupiter opposing Chiron at 17* Virgo Pisces asks us to find the deeper meanings in work and in life. Jupiter also will inconjunct that Aries Uranus. This is the 0* Virgo mark on the dial for this planetary pair. So we call this podcast “Climbing Jacob’s Ladder” – step by step, rung by rung is the best way to manage the current energies and resist the tendency towards escapism in all forms. Get the full 2 hour Nodes in Pisces Virgo – Achieving Your Path to Self Improvement forecasting webinar on the forecasting webinars page at EAN.

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Length: 00:34:49