Mars in Capricorn and Mercury and Pluto direct are now adding some seriousness and grounding to our goal-orientated activities. Make choices that advance your evolution and support your becoming!
The Libra New Moon at 8* is the current signal to set your intention for balance and integrity within all relationships.
Venus in Scorpio’s waning trine to Neptune and Venus’ waning sextile to Pluto, combines with Sun’s waning sextile Saturn to ensure that mutual responsibility takes place and intent is realized. Hopefully, this will lead to higher octaves of respect and love in this Libran time period. Good time to cease the incessant, superficial texting and have real conversations with those closest to you.
Mercury is opposing Chiron a final third time presenting more healing opportunities as we continue our genuine efforts to connect.
Finally, Mars at 6* Capricorn makes a waxing square to Jupiter in Libra. This is the final testing this week of how well we are realizing equality and balance in our world as we motivate and move forward this fall.
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Length: 00:28:31