Watch and integrate an enthusiastic Jeffrey Green as he methodically defines the archetypal wheel of the zodiac through the planets and their energy. This workshop is especially beneficial to those new to Evolutionary Astrology as it provides a logical framework for understanding all the major archetypes while grounding the adept astrologer in the basics of the Pluto Formula that underlies the method.

Planetary Method

Jeffrey delivers an insightful read on the Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation. By far the most comprehensive excursion around the zodiacal wheel from the author of Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul. Originally videotaped in Amsterdam on April 22, 1995 at the height of the the book’s popularity. This workshop is especially beneficial to those newer to Evolutionary Astrology as it provides a logical framework for understanding all the major archetypes while grounding the adept astrologer in the basics of the Pluto Formula that underlies the method. Approx 4 hours of archetypally rich information that you can refer to over and over.

AvailableĀ Online orĀ on DVD

JWG Planetary Method


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JWG Planetary Method

Online Streaming

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Online Astrology Workshops

If You Want to Go Deeper

This workshop and hundreds of hours of other lectures and workshops are also available with a full Astro Library Collection subscription for as little as $8 per month.