Relocation Astrology: Lines of Enterprise, Empowerment, and Soul-Evolution – VerDarLuz



Although astrologers focus on the art of timing, rarely has the art of ‘space’ been applied thoroughly to align an individual with the harmonic locations for soul-growth. With the Uranus- Pluto square’s chaotic and constantly shifting dynamics and the thirst for Aquarian freedom and self-actualization, intentional travel and relocation are becoming a paramount skill-set. In this workshop, we will discuss how synthesizing the various relocation techniques reveals to us potential gateways for entrepreneurial success, empowering business collaborations, financial abundance, career growth, and expansive, enduring relationships. We will specifically explore the importance of Nodal Lines and Nodal Rulers for karmic cleansing and dharmic unfolding, essential to the soul’s evolutionary intentions.

We will show how planets on the MC and planetary rulers of the MC will affect career path and success. We will look into the role of planetary house cusps, and the dynamic positions of house rulers to reveal locations of financial growth, innovative soul-work and fulfilling or challenging relationships. In addition to Astrocartography (ACG) lines, Local Space lines and Parans will be discussed as well as the somewhat neglected role of Cyclocartography (CCG) to understand forecasting over specific locations.


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